Five Strategies for Reducing Stress at your Medical Practice
Reducing stress at your medical practice can be a daunting task since stress is an intrinsic part of the medical world. There is always something that needs to be done, a patient that needs to be tended to, paperwork that needs to be completed, or a phone that needs to be answered. While it may be part of the daily grind at any medical office, there are things that can be done to decrease and manage stress levels. Here are five strategies for reducing stress at your medical practice.
One of the easiest ways to start reducing stress at your medical practice and avoiding burnout is identifying the sources of your team’s stressors. If it’s staff conflict, collecting unnecessary fees or a chaotic schedule, investigate the sources with your team and figure out the best way to eliminate these issues.
It’s natural for humans to focus on the bad. However, negativity can spread like wildfire through any busy office. During the course of the day, stop and acknowledge what has gone well. Call attention to an employee that went above and beyond, note the positive experiences or remind everyone about that grateful patient that makes everyone smile.
Build up defenses against stress by prioritizing important office responsibilities. Multi-tasking is essential in any practice, but it is easy to let your endless obligations overwhelm you and your staff. Ensure that your team is managing and prioritizing their tasks on an hourly, weekly and monthly basis. Have them tackle the responsibilities that are most important first, when energy levels and focus points are at their highest.
To be successful, it is essential that there is a strong support system within your office. If you have helpful and supportive employees, be sure to utilize them and make sure they can lean on each other. Encourage employees to ask for help and to confide in the people that advocate for them the most. Co-workers are with each other more than their families most days, so they should feel supported by one another. If this doesn’t seem to be the case at your practice, start organizing some team bonding days to help build and nurture those key relationships.
Working in the medical field, we know how important it is to stay healthy. Practicing mental and physical well-being is important for many reasons, but it is extremely helpful when battling stress. Eating whole and healthy foods and consistent activity are great for high energy levels, combating illness, balancing hormones and enhancing sleep. Encourage your team’s wellness through a series activities like a lunchtime walking club, a water drinking contest, meditation and mindfulness sessions and other initiatives. These activities encourage wellness without pressuring your team into losing weight or getting fit.
Reducing Stress at Your Medical Practice Should Be a Priority
Working in the medical field can be rewarding, but it is also highly demanding. Office stress can take a toll on you, your staff and your patients. If your practice is starting to show signs of stress, it’s time to utilize these stress reducing strategies. After all, you cannot treat others if you do not take care of yourself and your practice first!